When my three-year-old nephew told me to close my eyes and
follow him, I knew it was a bad idea! He didn’t even grab my hand to guide me.
Instead, he ran off ahead of me so that I could follow the sound of his voice.
When he did finally offer his hand, could I really trust him? I mean, this boy
trips over his own feet! But what was the worst that could happen? I run into a
couple walls? Stub my toe? No thanks. I’ll pass!
I do not like to walk around with my eyes closed. I don’t
like surprises or the “unknown.” I always found trust walks to be the least desirable team-building activity. I want to know where I am going, how I am
getting there, and what I am going to do when I arrive. I want a plan.
I wonder what it would have been like to be an Old Testament
Israelite. They were God’s chosen people, yet found themselves in the bondage
of slavery for centuries. When they were delivered, they had no understanding
of where they were being lead. All they could see was the unfamiliar desert
around them. Sure, their destination was promised to be amazing, but where was
it? How were they going to get there? What would they do when they arrived?
This uncertainty lead to a whole lot of grumbling and complaining and wandering
the desert for forty years. They just couldn’t see the bigger picture. They
were blind to God’s greater plan.
How different are we from the Israelites? Are we walking
around blind?
Isaiah 42:16 (NLT) says,
“I will lead blind Israel down a new path,
Guiding them along an unfamiliar way.”
When we can’t see God’s bigger picture, when we don’t
understand His purpose or plan, we may feel like a blindfold is covering our
eyes, and we are walking on ground we do not recognize. But the verse goes on
to say,
“I will brighten the darkness before them
And smooth out the road ahead of them.
Yes, I will indeed do these things;
I will not forsake them.”
God promises that the blindfold will be taken off of our
eyes. Darkness will become light. Ignorance will become understanding. God will
make known His perfect and pleasing Will.
So, what do we do? We keep walking. Keep trusting. Keep
seeking His truth. He will not forsake us.
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